November, 1st
Overtrace completed update for RapidProtoCasting web site. RapidProtoCasting is expert in high strength dimensional metal prototypes with all the engineered features, operating capabilities, appearance and performance of cast, machined, forged, MIM, stamped or EDMed parts.

October, 1st
Overtrace started in-house software products development. Our first product will be pretty unique graphics design automation sofware.

March, 15th
Overtrace completed system integation project for Interstate Mutual Mortgage and Loans.
OVERTRACE LLC is software development company located in Beaverton, Oregon.
Building software with the future in mind is one of the best ways to keep costs down. Our recommendations assume your business rules will change in unforeseen ways as time goes by - for example, due to market shifts you may need to expand your site, or offer new promotions or new site features.
Your database is perhaps the single most important element for your site, since it supports your business rules. We can build on your existing database, or recommend the most appropriate system - based on functionality, dependability and flexibility for future growth.
If you want to let your customers make sales transactions over the web, we will guide you through all the pros and cons of the e-commerce options available to you for best results.
We have solid expertice in Mortgage and Real Estate industry. We do integration with MLS sytems and loan application data formats. Besides, we did web and software systems for metal casting company, protographer, investor education company, and all king of online stores.

Copyright 2007 Overtrace LLC, All rights reserved